Education and professional experiences

  • 2021- : Associate professor at ENSTA Bretagne
  • 2020-2021 : Junior lecturer at the University of Pau(UPPA)
  • 2017-2020 : PhD in Electromagnetism at the French Civil Aviation University (ENAC)
    supervised by Rémi Douvenot and Alexandre Chabory
  • 2016-2017 : MSc in Operational research (applied mathematics) at Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III (UPS)
  • 2014-2017 : Engineer degree with a major in telecommunication and electromagnetism at the French Civil Aviation University (ENAC)
  • Collective responsabilities

  • 2018-2020 : Alternate delegate at the research council of ENAC
  • 2020 : Organizer of the ENAC/TELECOM laboratory meeting
  • 2019 : Volunteer at the ElectroMagnetic Wave and Wind Turbines conference EMWT at l'ENAC
  • 2015-2016 : Volunteer for the french program of "Les Cordées de la réussite"
  • Scientific actvities

  • IEEE and GRSS Member, URSI-France Member
  • Reviewer for Acta Biomaterialia, EuCAP 2025, EuCAP 2024, Radio Science, URSI Radio Science Letters, MDPI Remote Sensing, MDPI Atmosphere
  • Visiting at other laboratories and universities

  • July-August 2024 (3 weeks): Research stays at the LMAP (with Fabien Caubet) and SIAME (with Jean Paillol and Delphine Bessières) laboratories of the University of Pau
  • February 2024 (1 week): Research stays at the LMAP (with Fabien Caubet) laboratory of the University of Pau
  • August-September 2023 (1 week): Research stays at the LMAP (with Fabien Caubet) and SIAME (with Jean Paillol and Delphine Bessières) laboratories of the University of Pau
  • June-July 2022 (4 weeks): Research stays at the SIAME (with Jean Paillol and Delphine Bessières) laboratory of the University of Pau
  • Miscellaneous

  • Languages: French, English (B2), Spanish (A2), German (A2)
  • Sports: Trail running, Surf, Ski